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The most famous American cuisine!

                The most famous American cuisine!

If you are a fan of contemporary American civilization, you must learn the most popular and popular foods in the United States. In the United States, people love to eat all kinds of sweets or different salty foods.

                                                           Cheese Burger:

It is the famous American meal "Cheeseburger" that spread around the world over time, and it is indeed a genuine American cuisine that was invented in the late 19th century. According to the Times of America, the "Cheeseburger" began to gain its current reputation between 1920 and 1930, Of the meals common among Americans to eat something between meals, and these days, American citizens consume about 50 billion Burger a year.

                                                  Chicken Wings - Fried Chicken:

Certainly this is the traditional meal in the United States of America, but also the most common, but actually loves the citizens of the United States to eat fried chicken wings crunchy at lunch, and this dish is very widespread in the American countryside and some other US states, in particular that they eat it once to three times Weekly When many people, there are many famous restaurants in this area such as the restaurant "Kentucky" specializes in preparing fried chicken wings crispy!

                                                                Apple Pie:

This is one of the most popular American sweets that crossed the seas and spread all over the world. It is made from the fat dough that makes it charming, and is prepared with apple sauce, cinnamon and sugar, the most important sweets in the United States. Restore activity and increase concentration; to contain sugars!

                                                     Peanut Butter Sandwich:

In all Hollywood movies we watch children go to school eating peanut butter sandwich as a basic meal at school for all students. Indeed, this is the most common breakfast meal among Americans in America, especially among children because of its good taste and amazing health benefits!


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المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

فساتين سوارية احدث تصميمات 2019

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altaajin almaghribiu الطاجين المغربي

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